Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Virginia Tech: 'As Strong a Place as It Has Always Been'

In English lecture we have listened to a podcast. It was new and interesting activity. When I was listening at first time it was difficult to understand all words because off a background noise in the classroom. But when I read an article I understood almost everything.
Whole USA was shell-shocked by Virginia Tech shooting, when Seung-Hui Cho, an English major in his final year of college, killed thirty-two people and after this took his own life. Virginia Tech is a public university that is known internationally. That is why I am amazed university officials were not acting more quickly to warn of the danger of a gunman. Maybe if students were warned, some of them would be alive today.
Seven percent of the students at Virginia Tech are international students. There are no evidence that foreign students are rejecting admission offers because of the tragedy. If I had applied to this university, I would have rejected my admission. No one is sure that this tragedy won't happen again.
In conclusion, I would like to say that there are unstable, disturbed individuals in every society. If they can get deadly weapons easily, then society would become a dangerous place. That is the situation in the USA now.

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