Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My training

Firstly, something about the institution. I have spent four weeks in the 2nd Vilnius Children’s Foster Care Home. There are four families; each consists of 17-19 children, from the ages of 1 year to 18. All training time I spent in the third family. In the training I got acquainted with the institution’s mission, vision, method, purposes, also with the client group and itʼs social needs. This training was very useful to me because I have not worked with children in the past. Personally,I did not known how to behave with the youth maybe they would dislike me or would not want to communicate. However, everything was O.K. I spent days with children, who go to school in the afternoon or because of illness stayed at home.
Secondly, one of the main aims of my training were to analyze social worker’s work. Although, there is no social worker in this children home, but the institutions substitute of the principal do some social workerʼs tasks. I and my course mate were allowed to watch civil proceeding for mother’s care restriction. In this proceeding also participated one nurse from children home and the children’s right protection service representative. I found out what information social worker should get for that kind of trial.
Thirdly, I studied documents. I choosed one emotial cripple child, who has learning and behaviour difficulties. I read his personal file, to known more about him, his family and causes of behaviour. After this I spent more time with that child to look which problems are solved and what more might be done.
All things considered, I must say that during training I achieved the purposes and committed tasks. It was useful to know more about communication with children. However, next time I would not like to have training in this children home. It would be better to choose institution with social worker, to know more about his job.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


"Parkinson's Disease: Exploring the Mystery of a Movement Disorder"
"Worldwide, a Language Dies Every Two Weeks"

Today I listened to two podcasts. I had chosen topics, which looked interesting for me, because I wanted the task to be pleasant for me. I have to admit that my listening skills are not excellent, but after first listening I understood almost everything. During second listening I was reading the transcript to identify unknown words. The rate of speaking was average and words were pronounced clearly and distinctly.
In my opinin, I am quite good at listening to intermediate level of English. However, my ability to understand authentic English speech is just satisfactory. Native speakers rate of speaking is quite fast and I understand only fragments of speech.
If I want to pass my English exam listening paper successfully, I must study more. There are a lot of ways how I can improve my listening skilss. One of the way is to listen more podcasts. Also it is very useful to listen to authentic cassette recording in class.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Eating disorders

Eating disorders are illnesses with a biological basis modified and influenced by emotional and cultural factors. . Eating disorders are a way of coping with deeper problems that a person finds too painful or difficult to deal with directly. They are complex conditions that signal difficulties with identity, self-concept and self-esteem.
Eating disorders can be difficult to detect. The media glamourization of so-called ideal bodies, coupled with the view that dieting is a normal activity, can obscure a person's eating problems. It can be difficult for a person with an eating disorder to admit they have a problem.
Three chronic eating disorders have been identified. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by severe weight loss due to extreme food reduction. Symptoms include:
• refusal to keep body weight at or above the normal weight for one's body type
• dieting to extremes, usually coupled with excessive exercise
• feeling overweight despite dramatic weight loss
• loss of menstrual periods
• extreme preoccupation with body weight and shape
Bulimia nervosa results in frequent fluctuations in weight, due to periods of uncontrollable binge eating, followed by purging. As well as a preoccupation with body image, symptoms include:
• repeated episodes of bingeing and purging, usually by self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives, diet pills and/or diuretics - methods which are both ineffective and harmful
• eating beyond the point of fullness
Binge-eating disorder, or compulsive eating, is often triggered by chronic dieting and involves periods of overeating, often in secret and often carried out as a means of deriving comfort. Symptoms include:
• periods of uncontrolled, impulsive or continuous eating
• sporadic fasts or repetitive diets
Other eating disorders can include some combination of the signs and symptoms of anorexia, bulimia, and/or binge eating disorder. While these behaviors may not be clinically considered a full syndrome eating disorder, they can still be physically dangerous and emotionally draining.
Eating disorders can be difficult to detect. Someone suffering from bulimia can have a normal weight, but the activities they are engaging in can be deadly. Here are some warning signs:
• low self-esteem
• social withdrawal
• claims of feeling fat when weight is normal or low
• preoccupation with food, weight, counting calories and with what people think
• denial that there is a problem
• wanting to be perfect
• intolerance of others
• inability to concentrate
In conclusion, I would like to say that all eating disorders require professional help. Social workers also can help these people. A clinical social worker often will provide psychotherapy while acting as a bridge to connect to additional resources for a medical evaluation and nutritional assessment/counseling, both of which are also critical arenas for intervention.

The problem of teenage pregnancy


Adolescent pregnancy continues to be one of the most difficult issues that teenagers, their families, and communities face today. It affects us all in some way. The teenage mothers or fathers are often unprepared for parenthood and drop out of school, taking low-paying jobs and never completing their education. The teenagers' parents are often thrust into the role of raising two children-the teenager and his or her child.
Social and educational institutions share in a large portion of the problems of adolescent childbearing. Children of teenage parents frequently live in homes that are near or below poverty level. They often require public assistance for the basics of life: food, clothing, and shelter. There is an increased incidence of school failure and dropout in teenage parents and subsequently in their children.
Dealing with an unplanned pregnancy can be scary and confusing. Some of the emotions that teenagers may encounter when facing an unplanned pregnancy are: initial excitement, confusion, fear, resentment, frustration . It's a natural response for them to think about and want to protect the baby that is growing inside you. It is also natural to be scared and confused about how to deal with this unplanned pregnancy.
Teens are more likely to become pregnant if they:
• Begin dating early(dating at age 12 is associated with a 91% chance of being sexually involved before age 19, and dating at age 13 is associated with a 56% probability of sexual involvement during adolescence)
• Use alcohol and/or other drugs, including tobacco products
• Drop out of school
• Have no support system orhave few friends
• Lackinvolvement in school, family, or community activities
• Think they have little or no opportunity for success
• Live in a community or attend a school where early childbearing is common and viewed asnormal rather than as a cause for concern
• Grow up in poverty
• Have been a victim of sexual abuse or assault
• Have a mother who was19 or younger when she first gave birth.
Common methods of birth control include:
• the birth control pill or patch
• condoms
• intrauterine devices (IUD)
• the Depo-Provera injection
• diaphragms
• spermicides
• cervical caps
To sum up, adolescents face a wide range of issues everyday relating to their physiological, emotional, cultural, and psychological concerns. One of the most important and complicated issues is teenage pregnancy and childbearing. We as social workers have much to learn about the teenage pregnancy prevention. Effective programs and strategies are needed to enhance parents' and school role in teaching about sex, relationships, and responsibility.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Choosing a Student Exchange Program to Come to the US

Before listening to this podcast, I have heard about students exchange program to come to foreign country, but didn't knew all the details and differences between them. After listening to a podcast I find out about two programs. They are called Work and Travel USA and ASSE (the American Scandinavian Student Exchange).
These programs are for high school students. Work and Travel program offers to work for up to four months while exploring American life. Other program offers students live with a family and attend school for a year. There is opportunity to choose a way of spending time in USA.
Personally, I would like to choose student exchange program. In my opinion, for me would be too difficult to live and study in USA, because of my not perfect English knowledge and differences between cultures. On the other hand, to work and live individually in USA without family or any friends would be very hard, because it is said that money earned from work may not be enough to pay all of costs. That's why I would rather to go to European countries, nearer my own country.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Virginia Tech: 'As Strong a Place as It Has Always Been'

In English lecture we have listened to a podcast. It was new and interesting activity. When I was listening at first time it was difficult to understand all words because off a background noise in the classroom. But when I read an article I understood almost everything.
Whole USA was shell-shocked by Virginia Tech shooting, when Seung-Hui Cho, an English major in his final year of college, killed thirty-two people and after this took his own life. Virginia Tech is a public university that is known internationally. That is why I am amazed university officials were not acting more quickly to warn of the danger of a gunman. Maybe if students were warned, some of them would be alive today.
Seven percent of the students at Virginia Tech are international students. There are no evidence that foreign students are rejecting admission offers because of the tragedy. If I had applied to this university, I would have rejected my admission. No one is sure that this tragedy won't happen again.
In conclusion, I would like to say that there are unstable, disturbed individuals in every society. If they can get deadly weapons easily, then society would become a dangerous place. That is the situation in the USA now.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Employment law

Employment law

Employment law is a broad area including all areas of the employer/employee relationship except the negotiation process covered by labor law and collective bargaining.
Employment law protect a lot of rights, such as, employer have to pay compensation to employee if he is dismissed unfairly. Also women have right to time off if she is pregnant and a right come back to the same work place. Next, men over 65 and women over 60 can not get compensation for redundancy because of retirement age. In some cases employer, who has small business, can dismiss a sick employee. Turthermore, employee have a right to apply for a job whatever their race or sex and if this right is infringed, they can take their case to an industrial tribunal. Some members of EC have different retirement ages for man and women and it should be the same. One more issue is working on Sundays, because some countries limit Sunday trading. The right to strike is recognized by law, but all strikes must support majority of workers in a secret ballot. Japan employment law have some different from Western countries, for instance they work longer work hours and work most of their life for one person or firm.
All countries should have legislation which guarantees employment rights because all human rights must be protected.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Computer fraud

The term fraud is used to describe such acts as deception, bribery, forgery, extortion, corruption, theft, conspiracy, embezzlement, misappropriation, false representation, concealment of material facts and collusion. Computer fraud means using the computer in some way to commit dishonesty by obtaining an advantage or causing loss of something of value. This could take form in a number of ways, including program fraud, hacking, e-mail hoaxes, auction and retail sales schemes, investment schemes and people claiming to be experts on subject areas.

Frauds can be categorised by the type of victim involved. The most common groups of victims are:
• Investors
• Creditors
• Businesses
• Banks or other financial institutions
• Central or local government
• Fraud by manipulating financial markets

Frauds can also be categorised by the technique or activity used by the fraudster. These include:
• Advance fee frauds
• Bogus invoices
• Computer hacking of information or property
• Corruption and bribery
• Counterfeiting, forgery, or copyright abuse
• Credit Card fraud
• False Accounting - manipulation of accounts and accounting records
• Fraudulent bankruptcy - exploitation of cross-border corporate structures
• Insurance fraud
• Internet online scams - auctions, credit card purchases, investment scams
• Investment fraud
• Long Firm fraud
• Misappropriation of assets
• Money laundering
• Mortgage Fraud
• Payroll fraud
• Principal agents - failure of systems to restrict key individuals
• Pyramid schemes
• Unsolicited letter frauds.

Anyone, especially students, who uses the Internet is a potential candidate for being a victim of computer crime. The best way to protect themselves by using critical thinking skills. By thinking and reasoning their way through each time they visit a website, join a chat room, or read e-mail, the students can gain an understanding of what is valid and what/who they should deter their attention. The Internet is not a place where students should trust everything. Use good judgment and be very careful.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Civil and public law. Summary

Civil law is the section of the law that deals with disputes among citizens within country. Public law is the law governing relationships between individuals (citizens, companies) and the state. The main categories of civil law are; torts, trust, probate. Constitutional law, International law and crimes are sub-divisions of public law.
The party which brings a criminal action is called prosecution and it is nearly always the state. The party bringing a civil action is the plaintiff and usually it is individuals. There is a difference between standards of proof: in a criminal action “prosecution must prove the guilt of a criminal action “beyond a reasonable doubt”, the plaintiff in a civil action is required to prove his case “on the balance of probabilities””. If the defendant looses a civil case, he should pay damages to the plaintiff. If the defendant looses a criminal case, he may be forced to pay a fine and to pay legal costs of the prosecution.
There are different punishments of disobeying in criminal and civil law. In any court disobeying loser may constitute a criminal conduct. In civil law the loser without criminal penalty has to pay damages ordered by court.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Social work is my future profession

To begin with, I would like to say, that I always wanted to help people. There are so many problems in our society. Social workers can help to solve them. I have a strong desire to help improve people’s lives, because of this I chose this profession.
It is needed to say that social workers specialize in fields such as family, youth and child welfare services, medical and health services, disability services, psychiatric and general mental health services, juvenile and family law courts, aged care and disabilities, income support and mediation. So we need to get a lot of information about our future clients, how to deal with them, how to help people to live more successfully within their local communities by helping them find solutions to their problems. Also we have to practice a lot. I like studying at this university, because in first months of our studies we visited places where we could work and met people, so that we could imagine our future work.
Moreover, some social workers travel to visit clients or run group meetings. In country areas they may travel long distances. They may also be involved in private practice, research or teaching. I would like such kind of work conditions because it is also interesting for social worker.
In my opinion, do not all people could work as social workers. They need personal requirements, such as: emotional maturity, keen analytical abilities, able to view other people's problems objectively, good organizational skills, good communication skills and able to work as part of a team. I have to admit, that I have almost all these requirements and I think that I would be a good social worker!